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The Wild Hunt

Last week we posted a blog about Time by Einstein. In it we shared a reading from the book. But since we aren't coming out with just one book this year, but two, it's time to share more about The Wild Hunt. References to the Wild Hunt began in Tome of Tubal-Cain. We learned that the Wild Hunt has something to do with Eliyana. This book will tell you what happens after this.

This is Eliyana's story. What became of her in the end. But really, with a series about Time Travel, is this really going to be the end? Time will tell.

Have a read:

Eliyana wasn’t pleased.


What reason had she to be pleased? Bruce and I had traveled back in time to help rescue her people from an unjust and premature death. I’d screwed up big time today. She had every reason to be angry with me.


The right thing to do was for me to acknowledge my mistakes. I pulled her to the side to do just that. She didn’t take my acknowledgement well. I thought I’d expressed I understood how badly I’d screwed up, but I’d also presumed everything about rescuing her people was my responsibility. I couldn’t have been more wrong. 


Eliyana arched a brow in response to my words. Her mouth remained hard. “This isn’t about you.”


I floundered for the right phrasing, cursing my ineloquent speech. I knew better, and yet I felt pressed to argue. I was Brett Poole’s daughter after all.


She bolted up. We stood eye to eye. “I’m not going to say I don’t appreciate your help. I do. Lumen wouldn’t have allowed you to come if there wasn’t reason. It’s not a matter of you being here. It’s a matter of what you do when you are. Clydus is clever, but he can’t stop the earthquake. We have to understand exactly what he’s scheming. That’s what today was about. It’s the only way to properly plan how to save as many people tomorrow as possible. While he was on this isle trying to reason with me, I sent people to Larupus on a recon mission. In hindsight, perhaps I should have shared that, but I needed you to focus on identifying Tristan in his group.”


“Yes, you should have,” I stated.


“Would it have changed your choice?” She arched a brow when I shrugged a shoulder. “Look, Jamie. I’m sorry I wasn’t there to train you. At least I suspect I was not,” she watched for a nod. “Normally the elder Emissary—me—would have trained you for years before you assumed Lumen. I can’t make that right, but I can impart what wisdom I have while you’re here. What you did out there will get us all killed.”


She continued to glare, punctuating her words with cold eyes. “One day, you will face your own enemy. She will speak honeyed lies, and everyone will swallow them. On that day you’ll remember when I faced my enemy. You’ll be tempted to grow angry at her and at your friends’ gullibility. Don’t play into her hands. You won’t beat her with words either. We win by actions and deeds. And by standing apart from the crowd: leading, regardless the consequences. That’s what I was doing. And this is why you’re here. To support me and to learn. People like you and me, we don’t have the luxury of dying softly in our beds. I placed that burden on you when I gave you the sword. Even if I haven’t done that yet. We die with our boots on.” She sneaked a glance at my feet. “Bruce played a significant role today. Tomorrow, that might be you. Don’t beat yourself up.”


I exhaled slowly as I saw her relax slightly. Her words would follow me throughout my life. They would shape every choice I made: We don’t have the luxury of dying softly in our beds. We die with our boots on. 


If that was my fate now that I possessed Lumen, so be it. My fate had been sealed when I found the sword that existed outside time. I steeled myself against the inevitable as months and years passed.


But those are stories for another day. That is not this story. This is about Eliyana and what happened to her after we rescued her people. For, despite my blunders, we rescued them. They did not die unjustly and prematurely. They lived long, happy lives. That day no one died. Well, almost no one…


Time by Einstein and The Wild Hunt available in May 2024.

While you wait for Time by Einstein and The Wild Hunt, you can purchase any of the Jamie Poole Books directly from the author. Arrangements can be made by emailing: 

Additionally Dartmouth Book Exchange is a preferred vendor who can assist you in getting the books any time of year. In fact our first event this year will be with Dartmouth Book Exchange. Here are DETAILS.



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