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Jamie Poole and the Curious Cabinet

Welcome to 2025! We are pleased to announce that Jamie Poole Books will have a new book this year: Doyle Dalton's Diary. This book will be unique to the series. It will be in first person, as all the books are, and a diary. But, and this is a big but! Doyle Dalton will be your guide in this adventure. This book is critical to the series.

We have already blogged on key references to Doyle Dalton's diary in the series in this blog. And now begin spoilers as we anticipate this book which will define how the series continues from this point.

First, let's define 2 things.

One: A Cabinet of Curiosities were encyclopedic collections of objects whose categorical boundaries were, in Renaissance Europe, yet to be defined. Although more rudimentary collections had preceded them, the classic cabinets of curiosities emerged in the sixteenth century. The term cabinet originally described a room rather than a piece of furniture. Modern terminology would categorize the objects included as belonging to natural history (sometimes faked), geology, ethnography, archaeology, religious or historical relics, works of art (including cabinet paintings), and antiquities. In addition to the most famous and best documented cabinets of rulers and aristocrats, members of the merchant class and early practitioners of science in Europe formed collections that were precursors to museums.

Two: Doyle Dalton's diary is actually 2 books as mentioned in Tome of Tubal-Cain when they are first discovered. The first gets more attention in the series while the second is almost forgotten. Jamie begins reading the first only to discover the ending is written in a strange language. She enlists the help of many people, including Dr. Mary Sutherland, who is a language expert. It is impossible to translate. The second book is entirely in this language, and for whatever reason is set aside, as Mary tries to crack the code.

And now:

Doyle Dalton has been called many things in the series. Peter, his several-great grandson refers to him as the ancestor who cursed the family with his Cabinet of Curiosities. The way he collected his items in the cabinet can be called scandalous, in reading the first part of the first diary.

Dalton is a liar and a soldier of fortune. He's been accused of abandoning his men during World War I. Instead of fighting with his men, his family assume he was off raiding tombs in Egypt and collecting items for his future cabinet.

Dalton forged other items in his cabinet. Because he is a liar, it is impossible to know the truth behind an artifact. Some are obvious forgeries. Others may be labelled incorrectly. Because of his grand writing of stories on how he found the items, any "mundane" item is suspect in how he acquired it. Did he steal it or buy it?

Bottom line: Doyle Dalton has proven himself untrustworthy. So this liar and braggart will be the "voice" of the next book. What will that mean? Will he tell more bloated tales or will he finally come clean and separate his truth from lies?

We've already said the book is critical to the series. In Time by Einstein Jamie and Dalton meet face-to-face. It is safe to assume that based on how that book ended and certain revelations therein, this book will take up where Time by Einstein left off.

Buckle up! We are going to war with Doyle Dalton. The only question is will he tell the truth this time? What will that mean for Jamie? What will that mean for the psychopath time traveler, Tristan? He's still busy at breaking time. This book is no pause in the action!

Doyle Dalton's Diary will be available for purchase April 25, 2025!


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