May 8, 2017
Lovecraft, Shatner, & America’s Stonehenge
It is believed that the gaunt circle of stones that H.P. Lovecraft writes about in “The Dunwich Horror” is America’s Stonehenge.
May 1, 2017
America’s Stonehenge, New Hampshire.
It is more plausible to believe Merlin built Stonehenge than it is to believe Columbus discovered the Americas. He just had better Marketing
Mar 7, 2017
Battle of the Beanfield, A Jamie Poole Book
Pre-Order: Battle of the Beanfield
Available everywhere: 31 May 2017
Also available on Kobo and GooglePla
Feb 16, 2017
Stonehenge. What’s with all the rocks?
Later this year Jamie Poole Books will release a book about a day in Stonehenge’s history. I would like to explore the archaeological detai
Jan 21, 2017
Hello World!
Hello and welcome to my blog. The purpose of some blogs will be to dissect Jamie Poole and find the science and fact behind the fantasy.
Dec 27, 2016
Why Alexandria, Indiana?
Alexandria is both a town in Indiana and a major city in Egypt. However, it’s amazing how many times history lends itself to fiction to add