
Aug 26, 2018
Book Excerpt: Destiny of the Departed Promo
Jamie Poole grew up hearing Voices of the Dead. The Voices insisted someone had killed them. Someone had crossed back and thwarted their res

Dec 27, 2017
Book excerpt: Brett Poole meets enigmatic Tristan
Brett sat in the back of class, fuming. Tristan had gotten him again. Tristan’s blood! Why won’t he leave me alone?

Mar 7, 2017
Battle of the Beanfield, A Jamie Poole Book
Pre-Order: Battle of the Beanfield
Available everywhere: 31 May 2017
Also available on Kobo and GooglePla

Feb 16, 2017
Stonehenge. What’s with all the rocks?
Later this year Jamie Poole Books will release a book about a day in Stonehenge’s history.  I would like to explore the archaeological detai