Oct 19, 2019
The Conundrum of America’s Stonehenge
America’s Stonehenge, also known as Mystery Hill, is a focal point in the Jamie Poole series. Recently it has made the news for reasons no o
Aug 26, 2018
Book Excerpt: Destiny of the Departed Promo
Jamie Poole grew up hearing Voices of the Dead. The Voices insisted someone had killed them. Someone had crossed back and thwarted their res
May 8, 2017
Lovecraft, Shatner, & America’s Stonehenge
It is believed that the gaunt circle of stones that H.P. Lovecraft writes about in “The Dunwich Horror” is America’s Stonehenge.
May 1, 2017
America’s Stonehenge, New Hampshire.
It is more plausible to believe Merlin built Stonehenge than it is to believe Columbus discovered the Americas. He just had better Marketing