
Feb 9, 2022
Will there be new books in 2022?
Will there be new books from Jamie Poole Books this year? I'm happy to announce the answer is Yes, Two! Destiny of the Departed, which...

Nov 27, 2021
Sci-Fi Christmas greetings
Regardless of where you are in the world, you can invite Jamie Poole to be part of your holiday tradition. For the historical sci-fi...

Nov 6, 2021
The Myth and Magic of Jamie Poole
In Time by Einstein, Eliyana declares to Jamie: “Indeed. Clydus wishes to erase our cultures and stick with one: Egyptian. He doesn’t...

Oct 4, 2021
Time travel sounds like Thunder and Church Bells
This Halloween we will be releasing Time by Einstein, the seventh book in the Jamie Poole series. This book is available in eBook format...

Jun 15, 2021
The beginning is the end
"I resurrected a Druidess. While that was an accident, I take full responsibility." With that Jamie Poole begins a confession, and her...

Feb 13, 2020
Resurrection of the Druidess Recap
Resurrection of the Druidess is the highly anticipated sequel to The Isle of Osiris. So what's it about? Besides a sequel, that is.

May 24, 2017
Halifax: blending past & present
This blog takes a side road of sorts. It’s about an archaeological site of a different kind. Not standing stones or henges. It’s about a cit

May 8, 2017
Lovecraft, Shatner, & America’s Stonehenge
It is believed that the gaunt circle of stones that H.P. Lovecraft writes about in “The Dunwich Horror” is America’s Stonehenge.

May 1, 2017
America’s Stonehenge, New Hampshire.
It is more plausible to believe Merlin built Stonehenge than it is to believe Columbus discovered the Americas. He just had better Marketing

Mar 7, 2017
Battle of the Beanfield, A Jamie Poole Book
Pre-Order: Battle of the Beanfield
Available everywhere: 31 May 2017
Also available on Kobo and GooglePla